I've been shopping quite a bit over these past 3-4 days so I thought I would should you all what I've picked up on my travels. (Again, sorry for the quality of the pictures, still haven't purchased a new camera yet so iPhone quality will have to do for now!)
Primark this month have had so many amazing things I wish I could buy but I have had to restrain myself. It's a great place to buy essentials and basics, which is exactly what I've done this month.
The black skater skirt was only £1!!! How could I say no?!
Floral slouchy PJ pants - £6
Tights - £2.50
Camden Market.
Breaking Bad jumper - £15 1D phone case - £5
How could I go to London without visiting MAC? I couldn't. Covent Garden is the closest MAC store to where I live in Essex. All I purchased on this visit was the blusher in the shade 'Peachykeen' for £18, now I know that's quite expensive but the quality of their blush is amazing and I will put a review up soon. The lipstick is in the shade 'Snob' and it's the most beautiful pink colour I've ever seen. Again, I will post a review on that soon, and it was £15.
'Kiss Me' shirt - £16 (I couldn't find the exact one to link, but I have found one very similar)
I never used to shop in H&M but over these past couple of months I have been loving some of the things they've had in and it's become pretty much my favourite shop. One thing I will say though, when looking at skirts and trousers in there, try them on in the shop, I am a size 10 in every shop but I will be having to take the skirt back to get a 12 because it is ridiculously tight on me.
Tartan Skirt - £14.99
I have linked everything that I could find on the posts, thank you for reading. Be sure to follow to see more reviews and hauls like this one!
H&M depresses me, I'm one size everywhere else and one or two sizes bigger in their jeans. Your Topshop t-shirt is so cute!
The Student Blog x
exactly the same as me! i always have to end up taking stuff back and trying on 3 different sizes! x